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Is Juvederm Safe? Side Effects Of Juvederm

The dermal filler Juvederm was one of the first FDA-approved treatments for facial rejuvenation. The treatment is typically used to improve the appearance of wrinkles and folds in the skin around the face. Juvederm is a brand name product manufactured by Allergan, Inc. and the generic name is dermal filler.

It is made of hyaluronic acid, a substance that is found naturally in the body. Juvederm is safe and effective, but like all medical treatments, juvederm has some potential side effects. Normally these side effects are mild, but in some rare cases, patients may also experience some sort of serious side effects like strokes or stroke-like events.

Things to Keep in Mind Before Using Juvederm

  1. Ensure your surgeon/ dermatologist is well experienced and trained to run the procedure.
  2. Rarely, fillers may accidentally be injected into blood vessels instead of under the skin. Blood flow can be blocked by this. This can cause some serious health issues.
  3. On this date, it is rated 4.5 out of 10 in the Juvederm review.
  4. To ensure you fully understand the procedure and the risks, you will be asked to sign consent forms by the surgeon before he starts the procedure.
  5. The result isn’t guaranteed, and it can last one or two years. And after that, you’ll be like you were before.
  6. Talk to your surgeon about your current and past medical situation, the drugs you are taking, your lifestyle, and any bad habits you have. Your surgeon may advise you to change something of you that may trigger the side effect of Juvederm.
  7. The procedure of dermal filler is done by a surgeon in 4 simple steps.
  8. Dermal filler Juvederm can achieve your expectation, but you’ll need to decide if the risks and potential complications are worth the benefits.
  9. It may not be possible to achieve optimal results with a single procedure in some cases. The majority of fillers dissipate over time. Repetition of the injection process at intervals is necessary to maintain your correction.
  10. Re-injections may be required, usually between nine months and one year later. Repeat procedures require smaller injections than the first one.
  11. During and after the injection, you may experience some discomfort. A fine needle is used to inject Juvederm directly into the skin.

Common Side Effects Of Juvederm (Dermal Filler)

Usually, Juvederm is considered safe. Mild side effects can be seen after 24hrs procedures. These symptoms do not require medical attention. But in case it lasts longer than 3 days, it is highly recommended to consult with your doctor. Some common side effects of Juvederm are:

Serious Side Effects Of Juvederm (Dermal Filler)

According to a study shown in WebMD about dermal fillers, there are some serious side effects that have been blamed by people who took dermal fillers. Those serious side effects are :

These side effects deserve your high attention. If Juvederm is accidentally injected near your eyes, it may block blood vessels near the eyes. It can cause blindness. But again, this happened in very rare cases. The percentage is below 2%.

Side Effects Of Juvederm During Pregnancy

According to the FDA, pregnant and breastfeeding women shouldn’t get fillers. Due to fluctuating pregnancy hormones. Besides causing swelling, it can also affect blood flow. Basically, it might cause issues for the mother rather than the baby.

No data was found about the Ingredient of Juvederm (hyaluronic acid) passing into the baby from the mother.

It is recommended that you wait till your baby sees the earth just to avoid complications.

Side Effects Of Juvederm During Lactation

There is not enough data found about hyaluronic acid passing to babies with breastfeeding milk. Very few studies have been conducted on the effects and safety of injectables and fillers during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is for this reason that the FDA and many doctors advise pregnant women to wait until after they have finished breastfeeding (if they intend to) before getting injections or fillers.

Side Effects Of Juvederm with Alcohol

Alcohol can increase the risk of adverse side effects from Juvederm. These side effects can include redness, bruising, and swelling at the injection site. Drinking alcohol also increases the risk of bleeding and infection after the procedure.

If you are considering Juvederm, it is important to abstain from alcohol for at least two weeks before and after the treatment.

This will help to reduce the risk of complications and ensure that you experience the full benefit of the treatment.

Risk Factors Of Dermal Fillers From a Study

From a database from January 2007 to July 2017, it is reported that among 5000 files, 47 cases of blindness and 62 cases of strokes and stroke-like events occurred in patients after taking dermal fillers.

Strokes and blindness mostly occur when injection blocks the blood vessels. This happened in rare events, very rare events. Complications were most often linked to:

I cannot tell you how many patients I have seen who have had very bad filler

Said Moelleken, clinical associate professor of surgery at UCLA’s David Geffen School of Medicine. He also added that:

Most problems with fillers are minor aesthetic problems

FAQ About Juvederm

How long does Juvederm last?

= Juvederm lasts for one year to two years. Average 18 months.

What is Juvederm used for?

= to improve the appearance of wrinkles and folds in the skin.

How much does it cost for a syringe of Juvederm?

= around 500-700 $ on this date.

How much does 1ml of Juvederm cover?

= 1/5 of a teaspoon.

Can I shower after fillers?

= yes, you can.

Is Juvederm painful?

= Pushing the syringe is slightly painful.

We check and collect data from various valid sources to maintain validation level of information is up to the mark; if you want to research more in-depth about Juvederm:

Dermal Fillers: The Risks To Eliminating Wrinkles

Dermal Fillers and Injectables During Pregnancy